
I'vE LearneD

"I'vE Learned ThaT It Isn'T AlwayS EnougH To Be ForgiveN By OtherS. SometimeS YoU HavE To LearN To ForgivE YourselF"


Cedric said...

oOo Gosh.. what a pic.. perlu ke??
nevermind, lets forgive our self for looking on others ass shall we? haha..

BoY@BellO said...

You are not supposed to comment about the pic kan..gatai...it's about the quote's.....huhhuhu :)

Cedric said...

related la tu.. forgive ourselves for our sin kan =p
and ask forgiveness from that person..
gatal gatal, mana fumakila nie.. byk nyamuk laa..

BoY@BellO said...

Gatalllllllllll tetap gataiiiiiiii